Friday, September 11, 2015

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Novena of the Holy Name of Mary ( 3 - 11 September )

O Great Mother of God and my Mother Mary, it is true that I am unworthy to salute thee, but thou who loves me and desires my salvation must, not withstanding the impurity of my tongue, grant that I may always invoke thy most Holy and powerful Name in my aid, for thy Name is the succor of the living and the salvation of the dying.

Ah, most pure Mary, most sweet Mary, grant that henceforth thy Name may be the breath of my life.
O Lady, delay not to help me when I invoke thee, for in all the temptations that assail me, and in all my wants, I will never cease calling on thee and repeating again and again, Mary, Mary.
Thus it is that I hope to act during my life and more particularly at death, that after that last struggle I may eternally praise thy beloved Name in Heaven, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.

Ah Mary, most amiable Mary, with what consolation, what sweetness, what confidence, what tenderness is my soul penetrated in only naming, in only thinking of thee!
I thank my Lord and my God, Who for my good has given thee a Name so sweet and deserving of love, and at the same time so powerful. But my sovereign Lady, I am not satisfied with only saluting thee, I wish to salute thee with love. I desire that my love may every hour remind me to call on thee, so that I may exclaim with Saint Bonaventure, "O Name of the Mother of God, thou art my love."

O my Beloved Jesus and my own dear Mary, may Thy most sweet Names reign in my heart and in all hearts. Grant that I may never forget to remember and always invoke thy adorable Names alone.
Ah, Jesus, my Redeemer, and my Mother Mary, when the moment of death comes when I must breath forth my soul and leave this world, deign, through thy merits, to grant that I may then pronounce my last words, and that they may be: "I love Thee, O Jesus; I love thee, O Mary; to thee do I give my heart and my soul." +Amen ~Prayer of St. Alphonsus de Ligouri

Blessed Feast of Saint Pope Pius X

Faithful Catholics are loving deeply Saint Pius X. They know him to be the eternal foe of Modernism just as he is our eternal friend, especially in this days when a counterfeit religion that is the embodiment of Modernism has taken such hold over the minds and the hearts of so many Catholics. Faithful Catholics know that his devoted son of Our Lady and of her chaste spouse, Saint Joseph, whose very name he bore so admirably, is here to help us with his prayers and to teach us with his eternal words of wisdom that never--under any circumstances--lose their binding force.

Here is the account of Pope Saint Pius X's life as found in the readings for Matins in today's Divine Office:

Pope Pius X, whose name previously was Joseph Sarto, was born in the village of Riese in the Venetian province, to humble parents remarkable for their godliness and piety. He enrolled among the students in the seminary of Padua, where he exhibited such piety and learning that he was both an example to his fellow students and the admiration of his teachers. Upon his ordination to the priesthood, he labored for several years first as curate in the town of Tombolo, then as pastor at Salzano. He applied himself to his duties with such a constant flow of charity and such priestly zeal, and was so distinguished by the holiness of his life, that the Bishop of Treviso appointed him as a canon of the cathedral church and and made him the chancellor of the bishop's curia, as well as spiritual director of the diocesan seminary. His performance in these duties was so outstanding and so highly impressed Leo XIII, that he made him bishop of the Church of Mantua.

Lacking in nothing that makes a good pastor, he labored particularly to teach young men called to the priesthood, as well as fostering the growth of devout associations and the beauty and dignity of divine worship. He would ever affirm and promote the laws upon which Christian civilization depend, and while leading himself a life of poverty, never missed the opportunity to alleviate the burden of poverty in others. Because of his great merits, he was made a cardinal and created Patriarch of Venice. After the death of Pope Leo XIII, when the votes of the College of Cardinals began to increase in his favor, he tried in vain with supplications and tears to be relieved of so heavy a burden. Finally he ceded to their persuasions, saying I accept the cross. Thus he accepted the crown of the supreme pontificate as a cross, offering himself to God, with a resigned but stedfast spirit.

Placed upon the chair of Peter, he gave up nothing of his former way of life. He shone especially in humility, simplicity and poverty, so that he was able to write in his last testament: I was born in poverty, I lived in poverty, and I wish to die in poverty. His humility, however, nourished his soul with strength, when it concerned the glory of God, the liberty of Holy Church, and the salvation of souls. A man of passionate temperament and of firm purpose, he ruled the Church firmly as it entered into the twentieth century, and adorned it with brilliant teachings. He restored the sacred music to its pristine glory and dignity; he established Rome as the principal center for the study of the Holy Bible; he ordered the reform of the Roman Curia with great wisdom; he restored the laws concerning the faithful for the instruction of the catechism; he introduced the custom of more frequent and even daily reception of the Holy Eucharist, as well as permitting its reception by children as soon as they reach the age of reason; he zealously promoted the growth of Catholic action; he provided for the sound education of clerics and increased the number of seminaries in their divers regions; he encouraged every priest in the practice of the interior life; he brought the laws of the Church together into one body; he condemned and suppressed those most pernicious errors known collectively as Modernism; he suppressed the custom of civil veto at the election of a Supreme Pontiff. Finally worn out with his labors and overcome with grief at the European war which had just begun, he went to his heavenly reward on the twentieth day of August in the year 1914. Renowned throughout all the world for the fame of his holiness and miracles, Pope Pius XII, with the approbation of the whole world, numbered him among the Saints. (Matins, The Divine Office, Feast of Pope Saint Pius X.)

( written by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey)

Double Feast of Pope Saint Pius X, Sovereign Pontiff and Confessor

The date of September 3rd is special primarily because it is the feast of the last true Pope to be canonized, His Holiness Pope St. Pius X who was Giuseppe Cardinal Sarto.
He was the no-frills, no nonsense Sovereign Pontiff who did all in his power to condemn and eradicate the terrible heresy of Modernism, which he termed "the synthesis of all heresies". Most would think his forceful take-no-prisoners decrees would have corraled the offenders, but they went underground as all snakes do, and plotted. 
The result, tragically as we can see now, was the Second Vatican Council where the serpent slithered in and made his satanic soul at home in the sanctuary as his venom spread throughout the Conciliar structure that had usurped the true Church. 
We know that the Conciliar church does not serve God the way He has instructed His Church; ergo this Vatican 2 entity must serve another, giving credence to what Jesus says in Matthew 6: 24-33 for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost, "No man can serve two masters for he will hate the one and love the other, or he will sustain the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." There it is! It's One or the other. No exceptions. You can't straddle the fence. Either you are 100% Catholic or you're not Catholic! Period. Which do you choose? You must have full fidelity to all the holy Catholic Church teaches because Christ has revealed them, Who canst neither deceive or be deceived. If you have been deceived in any way, it's time to re-focus and see which Master you are serving. If it's not Jesus and His one true Church from St. Peter through His Holiness Pope Pius XII, you had better do a self-examination and pray for the grace to truly see your path will lead to a dead end.

This is especially the case regarding the current imposter in Rome, one Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, who, like his predecessors since 1958, are so taken with pleasing man that, through their words and actions choose to serve Mammon at the expense of countless souls worldwide

Thus we must go against the grain, swim against the stream of comfort zones catering to the world, the flesh and the devil. That is why we have a duty, a Catholic responsibility before God to instruct the ignorant and, believe us, the majority are truly ignorant of what the Catholic Faith teaches. That is why, with so few true priests, it falls on the laity to counsel the doubtful while leaving the true sacraments to the true priests who are spread so thin. 

The same goes for comforting the sorrowful and there is plenty to be sorrowful for, not only if you read the daily headlines or hear the sound bites, but the void of grace in countless souls since the Holy Ghost long ago lifted protection of the church in Rome today due to the Modernists' infiltration and the Great Apostasy resulting from the Second Vatican Council

Because we march to a different drum and choose the narrow path over the wide path to destruction strewn with wilting roses. That's why we get a lot of rejection. That's why we could tear our hair out in frustration at the lack of conversions except we know that "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible". Therefore, as true Catholics, we must bear wrongs patiently and forgive all injuries. 

Finally, or should we say, first of all we cannot sustain this path unless we do as St. Paul says in his letter to the Corinthians, "Such confidence we have through Christ towards God. Not that we are sufficient to think of ourselves, as of ourselves: but our sufficiency is from God". That is why we are strongly encouraged to pray for the living and the dead in fulfilling our part of the Communion of Saints, something lost in today's pick-and-choose politically correct Conciliar church where the devil has ensconsed himself as is only too evident.

In fact, It would seem the gates have shackled what to the world appears as the Catholic Church today, but in essence, is nothing but an evil imposter posing as Catholic while stripping her of all semblance of Catholicity

When you discover what the True Church teaches you'll realize that ever since the death of His Holiness Pope Pius XII , the Catholic Church hasn't been the same. 

That's right, and our LordJesus tells us why. Because what poses as 'Catholic' today, governed by those usurping the authority in Rome and dioceses throughout the world, is a false church - an arrogant, out-of-control, failing man-made religion that has eclipsed the humble true Church consigned in these times to the catacombs

Our Lord shows us in Sunday's gospel His mercy in healing those willing to be healed, but He is also equally just and those who presume on His mercy may be left in the dust. Jesus identifies these proud modernists who have eclipsed the true Church quite clearly in St. Matthew 7: 15 that we must beware of the false prophets who may appear in clothing of sheep, but inwardly we must recognize them as ravening wolves or worse. 

If the faithful couldn't see the "abomination of desolation" (St. Matthew 24:15) and devious destruction of the true Faith during the regimes of the first five imposters since Pius' passing, they should surely see it now as Roman-born Argentine Mr. Jorge Bergoglio continues his agenda to wipe out any vestiges of Catholic truth that would be offensive to non-Catholics in his Marxist mindset to please man, not God through his humanist efforts to form a One World Religion. If one reads St. Paul's warning in 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-11 and what many would do in 2 Timothy 4: 3-4, we can more readily see what Our Lord meant in St. Luke 18:8 when He asked rhetorically if there would be any one of faith left when He returns.

( quote )

Saint Pope Pius X - ORA PRO NOBIS

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Today Feast of Saint Giles, Hermit, Abbot and Holy Helper

Zealous follower of Christ, Saint Giles; from early youth thou didst take to heart the words of our Saviour: "Learn of Me, because I am meek and humble of heart." Therefore thou didst flee from the praise and honors of the world, and wast rewarded with the grace to preserve thy heart from all sin and to persevere in a holy life to a ripe old age. I, on my part, through pride, self-confidence, and negligence, yielded to my evil inclinations, and thereby sinned grievously and often, offending my God and Lord, my Creator and Redeemer, my most loving Father. Therefore I implore thee to help me through thy mighty intercession to be enlightened by the Holy Ghost, that I may know the malice, grievousness, and multitude of my sins, confess them humbly, fully, and contritely, and receive pardon, tranquility of heart, and peace of conscience from God. Amen.

My Lord and my God! I offer up to Thee my petition in union with the bitter passion and death of Jesus Christ, Thy only begotten Son, together with the merits of His immaculate and blessed Mother, Mary ever virgin, and of all the saints, particularly with Saint Giles, Holy Helper and Abbot

Look down upon me, merciful Lord! Grant me Thy grace and Thy love, and graciously hear my prayer. Amen