Monday, July 25, 2016
Novena to the Feast of Saint Anne Day 9
Glorious Saint Anne, filled with compassion for those who invoke thee, with love for those who suffer, heavily laden with the weight of my troubles, I knee at thy feet and humbly beg thee to take my present need under thy special protection..
(our prayer intention here.)
Vouchsafe to recommend it to thy daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and lay it before the throne of our Lord and Redeemer Jesus. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace that one day meet God face to face, and with thee and Mary and all the Angels and Saints in Heaven praising Him through all eternity. Amen
DAY NINE Patroness of Christian Mothers
Most holy mother of the Virgin Mary, glorious Saint Anne, I, a miserable sinner, confiding in thy kindness, I choose thee today as my special advocate. I offer and consecrate my person and all my interests to thy care and maternal solicitude. I hope To serve thee and honor thee all my life for the love of thy most holy daughter and to do all in my power to spread devotion to thee.
O my very good mother and advocate, deign to accept me as thy servant, and to adopt me as thy child.
O glorious Saint Anne, I beg thee, by the passion of my most loving Jesus, the Son of Mary, thy most holy daughter, to assist me in all the necessities both of my body and my soul. Venerable Mother, I beg you to obtain for me the petition I seek in this novena..
(pause and mention the prayer petition)
and the grace of leading a life perfectly conformable in all things to the divine will.
I place my soul in thy hands and in those of thy most Immaculate daughter. I confide it to thee, above all at the moment when it will be to separate itself from my body in order that, appearing under thy patronage before the Supreme Judge, He may find it worthy of enjoying His Divine Presence in thy holy companionship in Heaven. Amen.
Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be
Pray for us, Saint Anne!
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Novena to the Feast of Saint Anne Day 8
Glorious Saint Anne, filled with compassion for those who invoke thee, with love for those who suffer, heavily laden with the weight of my troubles, I knee at thy feet and humbly beg thee to take my present need under thy special protection..
(our prayer intention here.)
Vouchsafe to recommend it to thy daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and lay it before the throne of our Lord and Redeemer Jesus. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace that one day meet God face to face, and with thee and Mary and all the Angels and Saints in Heaven praising Him through all eternity. Amen
DAY EIGHT Patroness of Laborers
Remember, O Saint Anne, thou whose name signifies grace and mercy, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, and sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto thee, good, kind and holy grandmother of my Lord and Savior; I take refuge at thy feet, burdened with the weight of my sins.
O holy mother of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, despise not my petition..
(pause and mention the prayer petition) but hear me and grant it for the greater glory of God. Amen.
Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be
Pray for us, Saint Anne!
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen+
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Novena to the Feast of Saint Anne Day 7
Glorious Saint Anne, filled with compassion for those who invoke thee, with love for those who suffer, heavily laden with the weight of my troubles, I knee at thy feet and humbly beg thee to take my present need under thy special protection..
(our prayer intention here.)
Vouchsafe to recommend it to thy daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and lay it before the throne of our Lord and Redeemer Jesus. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace that one day meet God face to face, and with thee and Mary and all the Angels and Saints in Heaven praising Him through all eternity. Amen
DAY SEVEN Protectress of Widows
O Good Saint Anne, so justly called the mother of the infirm, the cure for those who suffer from disease, look kindly upon the sick for whom I pray; alleviate their sufferings; cause them to sanctify their sufferings by patience and complete submission to the divine will; finally deign to obtain health for them and with it the firm resolution to honor Jesus, Mary, and thyself by the faithful performance of duties. But, merciful Saint Anne, I ask thee above all for the salvation of my soul, rather than bodily health, for I am convinced that this fleeting life is given us solely to assure us a better one. Now, we cannot obtain that better life without the help of God's graces. I earnestly beg them of thee for the sick and for myself, especially the petition for which I am making in this novena..
(pause and mention the prayer petition)
through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of His Immaculate Mother, and through the efficacious and thy powerful mediation O glorious Saint Anne, Amen.
Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be
Pray for us, Saint Anne!
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen+
Friday, July 22, 2016
Novena to the Feast of Saint Anne Day 6
Glorious Saint Anne, filled with compassion for those who invoke thee, with love for those who suffer, heavily laden with the weight of my troubles, I knee at thy feet and humbly beg thee to take my present need under thy special protection..
(our prayer intention here.)
Vouchsafe to recommend it to thy daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and lay it before the throne of our Lord and Redeemer Jesus. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace that one day meet God face to face, and with thee and Mary and all the Angels and Saints in Heaven praising Him through all eternity. Amen
DAY SIX Model of Married Women and Mothers
Glorious Saint Anne, mother of the Mother of God, I beg thee to obtain through thy powerful intercession the pardon of my sins and the assistance I need in my troubles..
(pause and mention the prayer petition)
What can I not hope for if thou deign to take me under thy protection? The Most High has been please to grant the prayers of sinners, whenever thou have been charitable enough to be their advocate.
Kneeling at thy feet, I beg thee to help me in all spiritual and temporal dangers; to guide me in the true path of Christian perfection, and finally to obtain for me the grace of ending my life with the death of the just, so that I may contemplate face to face thy beloved Jesus and daughter Mary in thy loving companionship throughout eternity. Amen.
Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be
Pray for us, Saint Anne!
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Novena to the Feast of Saint Anne Day 5
( in the picture the Annunciation of Saint Anne - painted by Juan de Juanes (Juan Macip Vicente)
Glorious Saint Anne, filled with compassion for those who invoke thee, with love for those who suffer, heavily laden with the weight of my troubles, I knee at thy feet and humbly beg thee to take my present need under thy special protection..
(our prayer intention here.)
Vouchsafe to recommend it to thy daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and lay it before the throne of our Lord and Redeemer Jesus. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace that one day meet God face to face, and with thee and Mary and all the Angels and Saints in Heaven praising Him through all eternity. Amen
DAY FIVE Help of the Pregnant
Great Saint Anne, how far I am from resembling thee. I so easily give way to impatience and discouragement; and so easily give up praying when God does not at once answer my request. Prayer is the key to all heavenly treasures and I cannot pray, because my weak faith and lack of confidence fail me at the slightest delay of divine mercy. O my powerful protectress, come to my aid, listen to my petition..
(pause and mention prayer request)
make my confidence and fervor, supported by the promises of Jesus Christ, redouble in proportion as the trial to which God in His goodness subjects me is prolonged, that I may obtain like thee more than I can venture to ask for. In the future I will remember that I am made for Heaven and not for earth; for Eternity and not for time; that consequently I must ask, above all, the salvation of my soul which is assured to all who pray properly and who persevere in Prayer. Amen.
Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be
Pray for us, Saint Anne!
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.Amen
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Novena to the Feast of Saint Anne Day 4
Glorious Saint Anne, filled with compassion for those who invoke thee, with love for those who suffer, heavily laden with the weight of my troubles, I knee at thy feet and humbly beg thee to take my present need under thy special protection..
(our prayer intention here.)
Vouchsafe to recommend it to thy daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and lay it before the throne of our Lord and Redeemer Jesus. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace that one day meet God face to face, and with thee and Mary and all the Angels and Saints in Heaven praising Him through all eternity. Amen
DAY FOUR Patroness of the Childless
Glorious Saint Anne, I kneel in confidence at thy feet, for thou also have tasted the bitterness and sorrow of life. My necessities, the cause of my tears, are..
(pause and mention prayer petition)
Good Saint Anne, thou who did suffer much during the twenty years that preceded thy glorious maternity, I beseech thee, by all thy sufferings and humiliations, to grant my prayer. I pray to thee, through thy love for thy glorious spouse Saint Joachim, through thy love for thy immaculate child, through the joy thou did feel at the moment of her happy birth, not to refuse me. Bless me, bless my family and all who are dear to me, so that some day we may all be together with thee in the glory of Heaven, for all eternity. Amen.
Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be
Pray for us, Saint Anne!
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.Amen
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Novena to the Feast of Saint Anne Day 3
Glorious Saint Anne, filled with compassion for those who invoke thee, with love for those who suffer, heavily laden with the weight of my troubles, I knee at thy feet and humbly beg thee to take my present need under thy special protection..
(our prayer intention here.)
Vouchsafe to recommend it to thy daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and lay it before the throne of our Lord and Redeemer Jesus. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace that one day meet God face to face, and with thee and Mary and all the Angels and Saints praising Him through all eternity. Amen
DAY THREE Health of the Sick
Beloved of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, mother of the Queen of Heaven, take us and all who are dear to us under thy special care. Obtain for us the virtues thou instilled in the heart of her who was destined to become Mother of God, and the graces with which thou were endowed. Sublime model of Christian womanhood, pray that we may imitate thy example in our homes and families, listen to our needs and requests,
(pause and mention the prayer petition)
Guardian of the infancy and childhood of the most Holy and Blessed Virgin Mary, obtain the graces necessary for all who enter the marriage state, that imitating thy virtues they may sanctify their homes and lead the souls entrusted to their care to eternal glory. Amen.
Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be
Pray for us, Saint Anne!
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen
Monday, July 18, 2016
Novena to the Feast of Saint Anne Day 2
Glorious Saint Anne, filled with compassion for those who invoke thee, with love for those who suffer, heavily laden with the weight of my troubles, I knee at thy feet and humbly beg thee to take my present need under thy special protection..
(our prayer intention here.)
Vouchsafe to recommend it to thy daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and lay it before the throne of our Lord and Redeemer Jesus. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace that one day meet God face to face, and with thee and Mary and all the Angels and Saints praising Him through all eternity. Amen
DAY TWO Mother of the Poor
Great Saint Anne, how can thou be otherwise than overflowing with tenderness toward sinners like myself, since thou are the grandmother of Him who shed His blood for them, and the mother of her whom the Saints call Advocate of sinners?
To thee, therefore, I address my prayers with confidence. Vouchsafe to recommend me to Lord Jesus and thy Holy dotter Mary so that, at thy request, I may be granted remission of my sins, perseverance, the love of God, charity for all mankind, and the special grace of..
(pause and mention the prayer petition)
which I stand in need at the present time.
O most powerful protectress, let me not lose my soul, but obtain for me that through the merits of Jesus Christ and the intercession of Mary, I may have happiness of seeing them, of loving and praising them with thee through all eternity. Amen.
Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be
Pray for us, Saint Anne!
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Novena to Saint Anne Day 1
Glorious St. Anne, filled with compassion for those who invoke thee, with love for those who suffer, heavily laden with the weight of my troubles, I knee at thy feet and humbly beg thee to take my present need under thy special protection..
(our prayer intention here.)
Vouchsafe to recommend it to thy daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and lay it before the throne of our Lord and Redeemer Jesus. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace that one day meet God face to face, and with thee and Mary and all the Angels and Saints praising Him through all eternity. Amen
DAY ONE Comfortress of the Sorrowing
Great Saint Anne, engrave indelibly on my heart and in my mind the words that have reclaimed and sanctified so many sinners: "What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world if he lose his own soul?"
May this be the principle fruit of these prayers by which I will strive to honor thee during this novena.
At thy feet renew my resolution to invoke thee daily, not only for the success of my temporal affairs and to be preserved from sickness and suffering, but above all, that I may be preserved from all sin, that I may succeed in working out my eternal salvation and that I will receive the special grace of..
(pause and mention the prayer petition)
O most gentle Saint Anne, do not let me lose my soul, but obtain for me the grace of winning my way to Heaven, there with thee, thy blessed spouse, and thy glorious daughter, to sing the praise of the most holy and adorable Trinity forever and ever. Amen.
Our Father..Hail Mary..Glory Be
Pray for us, beloved Saint Anne!
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.Amen
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