Sunday, February 8, 2015

Novena to Holy Face of Jesus ( February 8 to 18 ) - Day 1 ~

This Novena prayer may be said at any time, but especially starting two Sundays before the start of Lent , leading up to Shrove Tuesday, which is the Feast of the Holy Face.

"I firmly wish that my face reflecting the intimate pains of my soul,
the suffering and love of my heart, be more honored!
Whoever gazes upon me already consoles me."
(Our Lord Jesus Christ to Sister Pierina)

Daily Preparatory Prayer
"All those who, attracted by my love, and venerating my countenance, shall receive, by virtue of my humanity, a brilliant and vivid impression of my divinity. This splendor shall enlighten the depths of their souls, so that in eternal glory the celestial court shall marvel at the marked likeness of their features with my divine countenance."
(Our Lord Jesus Christ to St. Gertrude)

Day 1 

 (Consolation of the  Holy Face and Daily Preparatory Prayer ) 

Psalm 51,3-4. 

Have mercy on me, O God in your goodness,
in Thy great tenderness wipe away my faults:
wash me clean of my guilt, purify me from my sin.

O most Holy Face of Jesus, look with tenderness on us who are sinners.
Thou are a merciful God, full of love and compassion.
Keep us pure of heart, so that we may see Thee always.
Mary, our Mother, intercede for us; Saint Joseph. pray for us.
Through the merits of Thy Precious Blood and Thy Holy Face,
O Jesus, grant us our petition ..
O Jesus pardon and mercy.

Prayer to our Almighty Father 

Almighty Father, come into our hearts, and so fill us with Thy love
that forsaking all evil desires, we may embrace Thee, our only good.
Show us, O Lord our God, what Thou are to us.
Say to our souls, I am your salvation, speak so that we may hear.
Our hearts are before Thee; open our ears; let us hasten after Thy voice.
Hide not Thy Face from us, we beseech Thee, O Lord.
Open our hearts so that Thou may enter in.
Repair the ruined mansions, that Thou may dwell therein.
Hear us, O Heavenly Father, for the sake of Thy only Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, now and forever. Amen.

1 Our Father, 3 Hail Mary's, 1 Glory Be. 
O Bleeding Face, O Face Divine, be every adoration Thine. (Three times)

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