Monday, October 5, 2015

Daily Prayer to the Guardian Angels ( during October month)

O my Guardian Angel who by God Father's goodness has charge over me, who assists me in my necessities, who consoles me in my troubles, who obtains for me continually new favors, I thank thee most sincerely.
Gentle Guardian, continue thy charitable care; defend me against my enemies, put away from me all occasions of sin, make me obedient to thy inspirations and faithful to follow them, especially in my present difficulty (here mention your prayer petition ).
In the presence of Jesus Christ and the whole court of Heaven, I choose thee for my protector, my defender, my guide and my advocate. I beg thee to govern my whole life: my memory, understanding, will, inclinations, and desires.
O Holy Angel, I love thee, and wish to love thee always. A thousand times I bless the Lord for the heavenly gifts with which He has adorned thee, for the graces with which He has sanctified thee, and for the glory with which He has crowned thee. Guard and guide me now and at the hour of my death. Never leave me unprotected until thou hast brought me safe to Heaven. Amen.

O my dear Angel Guardian, preserve me from the misfortune of ever offending God! Amen+

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