Friday, October 2, 2015

Put Your Guardian Angel to Work at All Times

( written by Thomas A. Droleskey )

Each of us is given a Guardian Angel to guide us home safely to Heaven. Do we make use of him, putting him to work at all times?
Today, October 2, the Feast of the Guardian Angels, is a very good time to consider how much we need to rely upon our Guardian Angel to help us to get home to Heaven.

Although our Guardian Angels have a purer intelligence than we possess, they cannot read our minds. We need to give our Guardian Angels permission to read our minds and to know our thoughts so that they can better assist us during the course of a day. "Dear Guardian Angel, I give you permission this day and every day to read my mind and to know my thoughts. Help me to say my prayers well."
A simple prayer such as this at the beginning of each day is, in addition to the Guardian Angel Prayer ("Angel of God my guardian dear, to whom God's love commits me here, ever this day be at my sight, to light and to guard, to rule and to guide") a way to begin a running conversation with our Guardian Angel during the course of a day. "Dear Guardian Angel, help me at this moment." "Dear Guardian Angel, be the instrument by which God the Holy Ghost can better enlighten my mind and to strengthen my will as I strive to love God more and to despise all things that displease Him, starting with my own sins." Little prayers such as these will keep us close to the angelic being who beholds the very face of the glory of God: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost as he assists us here as members of the Church Militant on the face of the earth.

Our Guardian Angels want us to use them at every moment of our lives.
Do we ever think of asking our Guardian Angel to greet the Guardian Angels of everyone we encounter, including those we see ever so fleetingly, such as our fellow drivers on the highways, so that we might see the image of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in all others and thus stand ready to be Christ-like for all others?
Do we ever think of asking our Guardian Angel to help us to remember the fact of our Total Consecration to Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through Our Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, thus inclining us to promptly offer up to God through that same Immaculate Heart all of the events of our day, including whatever merits we might earn as a result of the completion of indulgenced prayers and acts?
Do we every think of asking our Guardian Angel to help us to remember the Poor Souls in Purgatory, especially those for whom we are bound to pray for as a result of filial piety, by name and to remember those who have no one to pray for them? Our Guardian Angels can help us in these important aspects of our interior lives.
Do we realize how useful that they want to make ourselves in order to help us grow closer to God as He has revealed Himself exclusively through the Catholic Church?

Our Guardian Angels can help to remind us to get up in the morning. They, along with the Poor Souls, are better than alarm clocks. They can help us to cooperate with the Actual Graces sent to us by the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, God the Holy Ghost, through the loving hands of Our Lady, the Mediatrix of all Graces, so that we can get ourselves to the daily offering of the Immemorial Mass of Tradition and to say our Rosaries without delay as soon as time permits at the beginning and the close of each day. They can visit the Blessed Sacrament for us if we are unable to make a visit ourselves, outside of the Holy Mass, that is, during the course of a particular day. Capable of bilocation, our Guardian Angels can be sent to assist others in need. They can even be sent to deliver messages to others, being more efficient in doing so than the use of a telephone or e-mail. And, most importantly, they are an instruments of God the Holy Ghost to prompt us to get ourselves to the Confessional on a regular basis, if not weekly, even more urgently if, God forbid, we should fall into the ravages of Mortal Sin.

It is not uncommon for people to meet their Guardian Angels during the course of their lifetimes. Some saints have been given the privilege of seeing their Guardian Angels in all of their Heavenly splendor. Other people have encountered their Guardian Angels in human forms, that is, when their angels had manifested themselves in an apparent human form to assist them in a concrete way. Most of us, however, will not see our Guardian Angels in our own lifetimes. We must, though, be conscious of their presence in our own lives, eager to employ their assistance to help us to scale the heights of sanctity as we attempt to cooperate with the graces won for us by the shedding of every single drop of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross to walk the rocky road that leads to the narrow Gate of Life Himself.

Our Guardian Angels want us to shower Our Lady with acts of love and devotion. They want us to say our Rosaries promptly and with fervor. They want us to make pilgrimages in honor of Our Lady. they want to see us clothed in the Brown Scapular and adorned with the Miraculous Medal, making sure to pray to Our Lady for all the graces we forget to pray for during the course of each day! They want us to salute Our Lady with pious invocations (Ave Maria, Salve Regina, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, we love you, save souls, All to you, Blessed Mother, all to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation, O Blessed Mother, help me, a sinner, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, pray for us now and the hour of our death, Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death) throughout the day. They do. They want us to join them in these pious invocations of filial love and trusting supplication.

Oh, yes, our Guardian Angels stand ready to help to prompt us to say our prayers. They stand ready to help us to avoid sin and to cooperate with the graces won for u by the shedding of every single drop of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's Most Precious Blood and that flow into our hearts and souls through the loving hands of Our Lady, the Mediatrix of All Graces to grow in sanctity. They stand ready to help us to view our own lives and the events of the Church and the world through the eyes of the true Faith. They stand ready to move us to go to Mass every day and to spend time with Our Beloved in His Real Presence, as noted earlier. They stand ready to help us to do our Purgatory on earth by living penitentially and seeking to pray constantly in reparation for our sins and those of the whole world. They stand ready to help us to be saints. Will we let them? Will we let our Guardian Angels know that we want to rely upon their assistance and that we want to eternal praise to the God Who created both them and us out of a free will act of love? Will we let our Guardian Angels help us to die to self as we carry the crosses that God ordains for us to carry so that we might know an unending Easter Sunday of glory in Paradise?

We are never alone. We have a Heavenly friend who is always with us and who wants us to rely upon his help. What in this world--or the next world--are we waiting for? Let us renew with fervor and attentiveness our devotion to and reliance upon our Guardian Angels, giving thanks to God for His goodness in sending us these angelic beings to help us to return to Him through His Catholic Church.

Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God's love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and to guard, to rule and to guide. Amen.

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