Thursday, October 8, 2015

Today is the Double Feast of Saint Bridget of Sweden, Widow

White Vestments
Missa "Cognovi, Domine"

Oremus / Let us pray

O valiant woman! support of the Church in most unhappy times, mayest thou now be blessed by all nations!
When the earth, grown poor in virtue, no longer paid its debts to the Lord, thou wast the treasure discovered and brought from the uttermost coasts to supply for the indigence of many.
Thou didst earn the good-will of Heaven for the hitherto despised North.
Then the Holy Ghost was moved by the prayers of Apostles and Martyrs to lead thee to the land which their blood had not sufficed to render fruitful for the Spouse; thou didst appear as the merchant's ship bringing bread from afar to countries wasted and barren.
At thy voice, Rome took heart again; after thy example, she expiated the faults which had wrought her ruin; thy prayers and hers won back to her the heart of her Spouse and of of his Vicar.

Thine own portion was one of suffering and labour.
When, to the joy of all, thy work was consummated, thou hadst already quitted this world, Thou didst resemble the heroes of the Old Testament, saluting' from afar the promises that others were to see fulfilled, and acknowledging themselves to be strangers and pilgrims on the earth. like them thou didst seek, not the fatherland thou hadst abandoned and whither thou couldst have returned, but the only true home which is heaven. Moreover God made it a glory to be called thy God.
From the eternal city where thine exile is at an end, preserve in us the fruit of thy example and teachings. Thy Order of our Savior perpetuates them in the countries where it still exists though so much diminished; may it revive at Vadstena in its primitive splendor!
By it and its rivals in holiness, bring back Scandinavia to the faith, now so unhappily lost, of its apostle Anscharius, and of Eric and Olaf its martyr kings. Lastly, protect Rome, whose interests were so specially confided to thee by our Lord; may she never again experience the terrible trial which cost thee a life-time of labour and suffering. Amen

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