Friday, September 23, 2016

Novena to our Guardian Angel ( Feast October 2 )

Deus in adjutorium (O God, come unto my assistance:

O Lord, make haste to help me (Psalm 69, 2).

Gloria Patri.


O most powerful Angel, thou who art my Guardian, I beseech thee, by the sovereign hatred thou hast for sin, because it offends God, Whom thou love with a pure and perfect love, obtain for me a sincere and lasting sorrow for my sins, and an implacable hatred against all sin, of what kind soever, so that I may never more offend my God, till the last moment of my life.

Pater. Ave. Gloria Patri.


Most mighty spirit, my Angel-Guardian, I pray thee, by that supreme felicity thou dost enjoy in seeing God without a veil, even whilst watching over me, obtain for me grace to walk without ceasing in the presence of God, so that I may live a perfect Christian till my last breath.

Pater. Ave. Gloria Patri.


Most perfect executor of the Will of God, my faithful Guardian, I pray thee, by the vigilant and loving eagerness with which thou fulfillest the duty of my guardianship which God has confided to thee, obtain for me the grace of being always anxious to know and accomplish perfectly to the last moment of my life, everything that God asks of me.

Pater. Ave. Gloria Patri.


My most zealous protector and dear Angel Guardian, I pray, thee, by the charge which God hath given thee to guard me in all my ways, as a mother carries in her arms her beloved child, avert from me all occasions of sin, and preserve me from all perils which could make me offend God, and for that, repress the temptations of the infernal enemy and my own passions, so that having conquered the enemies of my salvation, I may walk with ease, by the grace of God, in the way of His commandments, till I die.

Pater. Ave. Gloria Patri.


Most faithful guide, my Angel-Guardian, I pray thee, by the mission which God has confided to thee to lead me on the road to Heaven, obtain, for me grace to follow faithfully and constantly the light which thou hast shown me, of the evil which I must avoid, and of the good which I must do, and do not cease to help me to the practice of all virtue, till the last moment of my life.

Pater. Ave. Gloria Patri.


Dearest friend, my good Angel, I pray thee, by the great love thou hast for me, thou who lovest God so ardently, and who seest how much He loved me and still loves me, obtain for me the consolation of always praying and praying well in my troubles, so that I may obtain His mercy, till the last moment of my existence.

Pater. Ave. Gloria Patri.


Most powerful intercessor, my faithful Guardian, I pray thee, by the zeal which God hath given thee for the eternal salvation of my soul, obtain for me the grace of having an ardent and prudent zeal for the salvation of my neighbor, so that I may merit eternal salvation.

Pater. Ave. Gloria Patri.


O! most pure spirit, dear Angel-Guardian, I pray thee, by the burning love thou hast for the Immaculate Virgin-Mother of God, the Queen of Angels, to obtain for me great purity of soul and body, that at my death I may be found worthy to associate with thee in Paradise.

Pater. Ave. Gloria Patri.


O sweetest Angel, my faithful and loving Guardian, how can I thank thee sufficiently for the ardent love and faithful vigilance with which thou hast ever watched, and will watch over me, till thou hast led me safely into the sweet presence of God. Ah! pray for me, that I may thank thee by my obedience to thy holy inspirations, so that loving thee daily more and more, I may merit to be with thee for all eternity.

Pater. Ave. Gloria Patri.

O ye Holy Angels, our Guardians, defend us in the day of battle that we may not be lost in the dreadful Judgment.

God hath given His Angels charge concerning thee.
To keep thee in all thy ways. Amen


O God, who in Thine unspeakable providence vouchsafest to send Thine angels to keep guard over us, grant unto Thy suppliants that we may be continually defended by their protection, and rejoice eternally in their society in Heaven. Amen.

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