Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Today is the Double Feast of Saint Bridget of Sweden

White Vestments Missa "Cognovi, Domine"

Saint Bridget of Sweden was born in 1303 in Finista. From childhood, the Lord granted her special graces, visions and an extraordinary understanding of divine mysteries. At age seven, she had a vision of the crucified Jesus in all the suffering and sorrow of his Passion, which enkindled within her a deep devotion for our Savior.
Favored by Almighty God with wonderful visions and revelations, she founded the Religious Order of the Most Holy Savior. With her daughter Catherine, she made numerous pilgrimages to various sanctuaries in Italy and in Palestine. The secrets of Heaven were manifested to her in many revelations which are referred to in the Collect of the Mass. The volumes of accounts of her visions of biblical scenes, especially the nativity and the crucifixion, have greatly inspired imagery in Christian art and her devotions have inspired popular piety. She also exerted her influence in the cause of the Church's reform in the courts, episcopal palaces, the abbeys and even at the Holy See.
Saint Bridget's astonishing revelations documented carefully by her confessors, filled several volumes. It was God's voice in her visions that dictated to her to found a new religious order, even specifying the details of the Rule for that order. She then founded The Order of the Most Holy Savior, or Bridgettines

Oremus / Let us pray : 

O Lord, our God, Who through Thine only-begotten Son, didst reveal heavenly secrets to blessed Bridget, grant us, Thy servants, by her kind intercession, to rejoice and be glad in the revelation of Thine eternal glory. Through the same Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God Forever and ever. +Amen

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