Saturday, November 1, 2014

Today is the Double of the First Class Feast of All Saints

Missa "Gaudeámus omnes" White or Gold Vestments

Instructions for the Feast of All Saints ( 1871 )

Why has the Church instituted this Feast ?

1. To give praise to God in His saints and to pay to the Saints themselves the honor, which they merited by having made the promotion of the honor of God the work of their whole earthly life.
2. To impress vividly upon our minds, that we are members of that Holy Catholic Church which believes in the Communion of Saints, that is, in the communion of all true Christians, who belong to the Church Triumphant in Heaven, to the Church suffering in purgatory, or to the Church Militant upon earth; but, more particularly, to cause us earnestly to consider the communion of the Saints in Heaven with us, who are yet battling on earth.
3. To exhort us to raise our eyes and hearts especially today to Heaven, where before the throne of God is gathered the innumerable multitude of Saints of all countries, times, nationalities, and ranks of life, who have faithfully followed Christ and left us glorious examples of virtues, which we ought to imitate. We can imitate them, for the Saints too, were weak men; they fought and conquered only with the grace of God, which will not be denied to us.
4. To honor those Saints, for whom there is no special festival appointed by the Church during the year.
5. Finally, that in answer to so many intercessors God may grant us perfect reconciliation, may permit us to share in their merits, and may give us grace to enjoy with them, some day, the bliss of Heaven.

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