Saturday, November 1, 2014

Traditional Litany of Saints -was changed by the heretic Second Vatican Council !

In the late 1960s, Roman Catholic liturgical texts were changed (supposedly) according to the directives of "Sacrosanctum" Concilium, a key document of the Second Vatican Council. However, many of the changes were in direct opposition of Sacrosanctum Concilium and were more likely influenced by Modernist Churchmen, such as Hans Kung and Anibale Bugnini. !!!

The form of the litany in use prior to the Council is given in the Roman Ritual, published in a Latin-English edition in 1952. Note that the Catholic Encyclopedia article available online entirely reflects pre-Vatican II usage.

This Litany of the Saints begins with a threefold Kyrie, followed (as in the current version) by invocations of God the Father of Heaven, the Son who redeemed the world, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Trinity. The names of the saints follow:

The Virgin Mary is invoked three times, as Holy Mary, as Holy Mother of God and as Holy Virgin of Virgins; then Saints Michael; Gabriel; Raphael; all holy angels and archangels; all the holy order of blessed spirits.

Patriarchs and Prophets: beginning with Saint John the Baptist [then other names, if they are to be inserted] and always ending with Saint Joseph; all holy patriarchs and prophets.

Apostles and disciples: Peter; Paul; Andrew; James; John; Thomas; James; Philip; Bartholomew; Matthew; Simon; Thaddeus; Matthias; Barnabas; Luke; Mark; all holy apostles and evangelists; all holy disciples of the Lord; all the Holy Innocents.

Martyrs: Stephen; Laurence; Vincent; Fabian and Sebastian; John and Paul; Cosmas and Damian; Gervasius and Protasius; All holy martyrs.

Bishops and Doctors of the Church: Sylvester; Gregory; Ambrose; Augustine; Jerome; Martin; Nicholas; all holy Bishops and Confessors; all holy Doctors.

Priests and male Religious [without further distinction between priests, deacons, and lay religious]: Anthony; Benedict; Bernard; Dominic; Francis; All ye holy Priests and Levites; All ye holy Monks and Hermits.

Female saints, ordered as the men were above: Mary Magdalene; Agatha; Lucy; Agnes; Cecilia; Catherine (of Alexandria); Anastasia; all holy Virgins and Widows; all holy Saints of God.

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