Friday, October 9, 2015
The 57th Anniversary of the death of His Holiness Pope Pius XII
Today is the 57th Anniversary of the death of His Holiness Pope Pius XII. Ever since his passing things never remained the same as we can see the destruction caused to countless billions of souls. One reason is because the men, who the world perceived as popes, had deviated so far from the "constituted evangelic Tradition and the purity of the orthodox Faith and the Christian Religion" that there is no way they could be Catholic or be blessed by God as true Successors of Peter.Since Pius' death the Modernists have been out to blatantly destroy the Church Christ founded and ignored the Papal Coronation Solemn Oath.
Papal Oath is part of our Catholic heritage. It began around the 6th or 7th Century. And even though it may not be said anymore, it is, if you will, the Church's vitae of the Pope, the Successor of Peter and, in that role, has no authority to veer from Tradition. Would this not be a given with every successor? Why then did the conciliar 'popes' not heed the basic essence of these words? Why did they give up the tri-regno responsibility to teach, sanctify and govern as the 'servant of the servants', the chief Shepherd of the flock and instead became, as Christ identified, wolves in sheeps' clothing?
Papal Coronation Solemn Oath
"I vow to change nothing of the received Tradition, and nothing thereof I have found before me guarded by my God-pleasing predecessors, to encroach upon, to alter, or to permit any innovation therein;
To the contrary: with glowing affection as her truly faithful student and successor, to safeguard reverently the passed-on good, with my whole strength and utmost effort;
To cleanse all that is in contradiction to the canonical order, should such appear; to guard the Holy Canons and Decrees of our Popes as if they were the divine ordinance of Heaven, because I am conscious of Thee, whose place I take through the Grace of God, whose Vicarship I possess with Thy support, being subject to severest accounting before Thy Divine Tribunal over all that I shall confess;
I swear to God Almighty and the Savior Jesus Christ that I will keep whatever has been revealed through Christ and His Successors and whatever the first councils and my predecessors have defined and declared.
I will keep without sacrifice to itself the discipline and the rite of the Church. I will put outside the Church whoever dares to go against this oath, may it be somebody else or I.
If I should undertake to act in anything of contrary sense, or should permit that it will be executed, Thou willst not be merciful to me on the dreadful Day of Divine Justice.
Accordingly, without exclusion, We subject to severest excommunication anyone -- be it Ourselves or be it another -- who would dare to undertake anything new in contradiction to this constituted evangelic Tradition and the purity of the orthodox Faith and the Christian religion, or would seek to change anything by his opposing efforts, or would agree with those who undertake such a blasphemous venture."
Paul VI abandoned the tiara immediately after his election and it was never worn again. With that, his actions and anathema of Vatican II and his signature on Lumen Gentium automatically put him and all his successors outside the Church, thus making all of his appointments, decrees, pronouncements and works completely null and utterly void. Since no one has repented of this in continuing the anathema, nothing has changed. The conciliar church remains in apostasy and outside the true Catholic Church without which there is no salvation (Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus).
Venerable Pope Pius XII - ora pro nobis
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Novena to the Feast of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque ( October 17)
O Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, through thee our Lord Jesus pours His abundant graces to all mankind.
Help us to put aside our interests and abandon ourselves entirely and lovingly to the work which the adorable Sacred Heart of Jesus wants us to do, so that we may , like thee merit His special care and mercy , through His mighty Holy Name .
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, thou to whom the Sacred Heart of Jesus has manifested His divine treasures, we implore thee to obtain for us all the graces we need from our Lords adorable Sacred Heart. We ask Him with unlimited confidence ( our prayer petition here).
May the Divine Sacred Heart grant these prayer requests through thy intercession, so that He may yet again be glorified and loved through thee. Amen +
Daily prayer to our Guardian Angels
O Angel of God, my blessed protector, to whose care I have been committed by my Creator from the moment of my birth, unite with me in thanking the Almighty for having given me a friend, an instructor, an advocate, and a guardian in thee.
Accept, O most charitable guide, my fervent thanksgiving for all thou hast done for me; particularly for the charity with which thou didst undertake to accompany me through life; for the joy with which thou wast filled when I was purified in the waters of Baptism; and for thy anxious solicitude in watching over the treasure of my innocence.
Thou knowest the numberless graces and favors which my Creator has bestowed on me through thee, and the many dangers, both spiritual and temporal, from which thou hast preserved me.
Thou knowest how often thou didst deplore my sins, animate me to repentance, and intercede with God for my pardon.
Ah! why have I so little merited a continuance of thy zealous efforts for my salvation? Why have I so often stained my soul by sin, and thereby rendered myself unworthy of the presence and protection of an Angel, of so pure a spirit as thou art, who hast never sinned?
But as my ingratitude and thoughtlessness have not lessened thy charitable interest for my salvation, so neither shall they diminish my confidence in thy goodness, nor prevent me from abandoning myself to thy care, since God Himself has entrusted thee with the charge of my soul.
Penetrated with sorrow for the little progress I have made in virtue, though blessed with such a Master, and sincerely determined to correspond in future with thy exertions for my salvation, I most earnestly entreat thee, O protecting spirit, to continue thy zealous efforts for my eternal interest; to fortify my weakness, to shield me from innumerable dangers of the world and to obtain by thy powerful prayers that my life may rather be shortened, than that I should live to commit a mortal sin.
Remember, O most happy spirit, that it was one act of profound humility, and one transport of ardent love for thy Creator, that caused God to establish thee forever in glory; obtain that those virtues may be implanted in my soul, and that I may seriously endeavor to acquire docility, obedience, gentleness and purity of heart.
Conduct me safely through this world of sin and misery; watch over me at the awful hour of my death; perform for my soul the last charitable office of thy mission, by strengthening, encouraging, and supporting me in the agonies of dissolution, and then, as the angel Raphael conducted Tobias safely to his father, do thou, my good Angel and blessed guide, return with me to Him Who sent thee, that we may mutually bless Him, and publish His wonderful works for a happy eternity. Amen+
Today is the Double Feast of Saint Bridget of Sweden, Widow
White Vestments
Missa "Cognovi, Domine"
Oremus / Let us pray
O valiant woman! support of the Church in most unhappy times, mayest thou now be blessed by all nations!
When the earth, grown poor in virtue, no longer paid its debts to the Lord, thou wast the treasure discovered and brought from the uttermost coasts to supply for the indigence of many.
Thou didst earn the good-will of Heaven for the hitherto despised North.
Then the Holy Ghost was moved by the prayers of Apostles and Martyrs to lead thee to the land which their blood had not sufficed to render fruitful for the Spouse; thou didst appear as the merchant's ship bringing bread from afar to countries wasted and barren.
At thy voice, Rome took heart again; after thy example, she expiated the faults which had wrought her ruin; thy prayers and hers won back to her the heart of her Spouse and of of his Vicar.
Thine own portion was one of suffering and labour.
When, to the joy of all, thy work was consummated, thou hadst already quitted this world, Thou didst resemble the heroes of the Old Testament, saluting' from afar the promises that others were to see fulfilled, and acknowledging themselves to be strangers and pilgrims on the earth. like them thou didst seek, not the fatherland thou hadst abandoned and whither thou couldst have returned, but the only true home which is heaven. Moreover God made it a glory to be called thy God.
From the eternal city where thine exile is at an end, preserve in us the fruit of thy example and teachings. Thy Order of our Savior perpetuates them in the countries where it still exists though so much diminished; may it revive at Vadstena in its primitive splendor!
By it and its rivals in holiness, bring back Scandinavia to the faith, now so unhappily lost, of its apostle Anscharius, and of Eric and Olaf its martyr kings. Lastly, protect Rome, whose interests were so specially confided to thee by our Lord; may she never again experience the terrible trial which cost thee a life-time of labour and suffering. Amen
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
The Victory of Lepanto and the Most Holy Rosary
( by Rev. J.A. Rooney, O.P., 1892)
For about a century before the battle of Lepanto the Turks/ pagan muslims/islamists - exactly like today - they had been spreading dismay all over Christendom, and the year 1571 seemed to them to be the most opportune time to deal out death to Christianity. At that time most of the Christian nations were divided by conflicting interests and weakened by protestantism, whose motto was "the Turks in preference to the Papists." Yes, protestantism, the greatest curse of modern times, the drag-chain on the wheels of Christian progress, did much to embolden the Turks to menace Christendom with indescribable woes.
Pope Saint Pius V, a worthy son of the Order of the Rosary, made a public appeal to Heaven and to earth in behalf of the Church and Society.
He called upon all the faithful, but especially upon the members of the various Rosary Confraternities of the world to invoke unceasingly with him the aid of the Virgin of the Rosary.
For two years previous to the battle of Lepanto all the faithful, but especially Rosarians, earnestly pleaded in behalf of the Church with Mary the Mother of Jesus through the prayer which is so dear to her.
In the meantime, the Holy Father succeeded in arousing Spain, Genoa, Venice and the Pontifical States to enter into a holy League against the sworn enemy of Christianity. Humanly speaking, from such an insignificant league there could be but little hope of success for the Christians opposed by such fearful odds. But the Pope, whose prayers the Sultan Soliman II. feared, as he himself declared, far more than the arms of the Christian forces, trusted entirely in the assistance of the Mother of Mercy.
On the 7th of October, 1571, on the Gulf of Lepanto was raised aloft by the Christian fleet the standard of hope--it was the image of the Blessed Virgin, surmounted by a Cross and a Rosary. The soldiers knelt before it for the purpose of venerating the emblem of our salvation and the Image of Mary, and pledged themselves to fight to death for the cause in which they were engaged, God and holy Church. Then the signal for attack was given by the Christian admiral.
Victory was violently disputed and long remained undecided. But the death of Ali-Pasha, the admiral of the Mussulman fleet, spread terror among his soldiers and became the signal of their defeat. The Turkish losses were immense; two hundred vessels were captured by the Christians or sunk beneath the angry waves of Lepanto; twenty-five thousand soldiers were killed; eighteen thousand prisoners were taken and fifteen thousand Christian slaves were liberated from their ignominious bondage; three hundred and seventy-five pieces of cannon and a great number of Standards and other spoils "became the property of the victors.
The triumph of the Cross over the Crescent through the power of the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary drove Islamism into Asia, saved forever Christendom from any successful invasion on the part of the Turks, left the seas that had hitherto been infested by Mussulman pirates free, and caused the Christian name to be dreaded by hordes who had until then considered themselves invincible. Michael Cervantes thus writes of the victory: "Ages gone by have seen nothing like unto the battle of Lepanto, nor has our age witnessed anything to compare with it, and in all probability ages to come will never record a more beautiful or glorious triumph for the Church."
But what share had the Rosary in this magnificent triumph? For two years before the battle, we have said, all the Rosary Confraternities of the world and the rest of the faithful were at the feet of Mary asking her assistance through the prayer so dear to her and her Son, the Rosary. The battle took place on the 7th of October, which in 1571 was the first Sunday of the month, the very day on which all the Rosary Confraternities of the Church were making their solemn processions and addressing solemn supplications to Heaven in behalf of the Christian cause.
Whilst the battle was raging, Saint Pope Pius V was treating with the Cardinals assembled at the Vatican on some grave business matters. All of a sudden he withdraws from the meeting, moves towards a window, remains there for some time, his eyes fixed in the direction of Lepanto, and then exclaimed with the accent and look of inspiration: "Let us kneel; let us cease speaking of business matters and think only of rendering thanks to God for the victory He has just given us." The happy news was in due time confirmed, and was received everywhere among Christians with transports of delight, and with a conviction the most intense that the victory was due to the all-powerful intevention of our Lady of the Rosary.
From Rome this conviction passed to Venice. The Senate of the City, in letters addressed to the States that had taken part in the Crusade, did not hesitate to express itself in these terms filled with faith and piety: "It was not Generals, nor battalions, nor arms that brought us victory; but it was our Lady of the Rosary." Yes, says a modern historian, the defeat of the Turks was so complete and decisive that the whole Christian world spontaneously attributed it to the Blessed Mother of God, whose Rosary all the faithful were reciting whilst the battle was in progress.
The Holy Pope Pius V in order to perpetuate the memory of so great an event, instituted under the title of Our Lady of Victory a feast which received later on the appellation which is at present so popular and far more significative, that of Our Lady of the Rosary; and, for the purpose of encouraging the faithful to celebrate it with piety and fruit, he opened in their behalf the treasury of the Church, and drew from it the celebrated indulgence which is at one time called the Toties quoties (a plenary indulgence each time the conditions are complied with), at another time the "Great Pardon of the Rosary" and often the "Dominican Portiuncula." It was then, too, that he added to the Litany of Loretto the invocation "Help of Christians, pray for us."
Notwithstanding the complete discomfiture of the Turks, they, still profiting by the divisions created by that monster of modern times, protestantism, endeavored again and again to crush out the Christian Religion, but the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary showed on every occasion her determination not to allow the infidels to gain the least advantage over the Church. The victories at Corfu, Vienna, Temeswar and Belgrade under the captaincy of Mary were only a prolonged echo of the glorious triumph of the Christians at Lepanto.
But if the Church has nothing now to fear from the Turks, it has other enemies still more powerful, formidable and tyrannical to contend against. Just now the Catholic Religion is much more free along the shores of the Bosphorus than it is on the banks of Seine, Spree or Tiber, where it groans under the oppression of children who have disowned their Mother and have sworn to bring about her destruction. A gigantic anti-Christian conspiracy--its name is Freemasonry--has been formed in the very bosom of the baptized nations. In most of the European countries it has complete control of things, and employs all manner of means to carry out its diabolical ends, sophisms, lies, corruption and violence. Its chief object is to cripple and humiliate the teaching Church, and to eradicate faith and virtue from the souls and hearts of the young. It labors with all its might to have complete control of the schools, so that infidelity and atheism may possess the minds and corrupt the hearts of the rising generation. In countries where Freemasonry has not supreme control, its secret and nefarious influence paralyzes the good will and efforts of those who are in power.
With this view of the present condition of affairs before his mind, the Sentinel of the Vatican utters a cry of alarm to the Virgin of the Rosary. As Saint Pope Pius V three hundred years ago, looked for help to Mary through her Rosary and obtained it, so to-day Pope Leo XIII. expects from the same source of mercy remedies for the evils of our times, efficacious helps to save the Church and with it the world. It is for us to second by our prayers, zeal and virtues the efforts of the Father of the great Catholic family, and to do violence to Heaven by our fervent and frequent supplications to Mary, and thus deliver our Father at the Vatican, the Church and society from the galling yoke of the most malevolent and implacable enemies.
Today the Feast of our Lady of the Rosary
Today is the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin May. We must use the Holy Rosary well, praying that the proud revolutionaries who are gathering Paul VI Audience Hall this words are being typed will be scattered and having all their plains overthrown by Christ the King and that they will be split up by their disagreements about a matter that should unite, not divide, believing Catholics.
Fortified by our Lady’s Most Holy Rosary, may we not be distracted by the events in the conciliar Vatican at this time as “moderate” revolutionaries seek to do “battle” with each other, thereby demonstrating the absurdity of the false religion to which they adhere as we seek to make reparation for our own sins as the consecrated slaves of her Divine Son through her own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.
The feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary was instituted by Saint Pope Pius V in commemoration of the victory of the Battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571 against the Turks / pagan mahommedans /islamists who were threatening Europe. In 1716, the feast was extended to the entire Church in thanksgiving for the defeat of the Muslim Crescent in Hungary.
The devotion of the Holy Rosary was revealed to Saint Dominic by Our Lady. It was born, therefore, in a private revelation. And we know that such revelations are abhorred by the enemies of the Church – internal and external. Although it came from a private revelation, the praying of the Rosary was extended to the entire Catholic Church, and was considered by Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort as the characteristic devotion of predestined souls.
Before Vatican II(!) the habits of many religious Orders had Rosaries that hung on their cinctures, and good Catholics used to carry the Rosary with them all day. It was considered not only an item for counting the Hail Marys, but a blessed object, the seal of a special liaison of the person with Our Lady. Many times, the mere physical presence of the Rosary would repel the devil and attract special graces. It became the classic religious object to fight against the evil.
What is the Rosary? The Rosary is a series of mediations on the mysteries from the lives of our Lord and our Lady. These mysteries are simultaneously prayers that one says vocally and meditations that one makes mentally. This mixture of vocal prayer and meditation is a splendid thing, because while the lips pronounce a plea, the mind concentrates on a point of the mystery. It is a dual activity that intimately unites one with God.
The practice of praying the Rosary to beg a grace from God supposes the theological truth that our Lady is the Universal Mediatrix of all graces. It is, therefore, a small masterpiece of spirituality and Catholic doctrine as they should be understood. The rosary is not a religious custom relying on emotions, but rather a serious, solid, and meditative pious practice, which explains why the rosary has obtained so many graces.
O God, Whose only-begotten Son by His life, death, and resurrection hath purchased for us the rewards of eternal salvation: grant, we beseech Thee, that, by meditating upon these mysteries in the most holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may both imitate what they contain, and obtain what they promise. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.
(Roman Breviary)
Monday, October 5, 2015
Daily Prayer to the Guardian Angels ( during October month)
O my Guardian Angel who by God Father's goodness has charge over me, who assists me in my necessities, who consoles me in my troubles, who obtains for me continually new favors, I thank thee most sincerely.
Gentle Guardian, continue thy charitable care; defend me against my enemies, put away from me all occasions of sin, make me obedient to thy inspirations and faithful to follow them, especially in my present difficulty (here mention your prayer petition ).
In the presence of Jesus Christ and the whole court of Heaven, I choose thee for my protector, my defender, my guide and my advocate. I beg thee to govern my whole life: my memory, understanding, will, inclinations, and desires.
O Holy Angel, I love thee, and wish to love thee always. A thousand times I bless the Lord for the heavenly gifts with which He has adorned thee, for the graces with which He has sanctified thee, and for the glory with which He has crowned thee. Guard and guide me now and at the hour of my death. Never leave me unprotected until thou hast brought me safe to Heaven. Amen.
O my dear Angel Guardian, preserve me from the misfortune of ever offending God! Amen+
Daily Prayer to our Guardian Angels
Devotions to the Holy Angels
"Are they not all ministering spirits, sent to minister for them who shall receive the inheritance of salvation?"--Heb.1: 14
"The Angels," says Saint Augustine, "love us as their fellow-citizens, and hope to see us fill up what has been lost to their own number by the fall of the rebel angels. For this reason they are always present with us, and watch over us with the greatest care. At all times, and in every place, they are ready to help us, and to provide for our wants. They walk with us in all our ways; going out and coming in, they follow us still, anxiously considering whether we live piously and purely in the midst of a wicked world. They assist those who labor; they guard those who rest; they encourage those who light; they crown those who conquer; they rejoice with the joyful, and sympathize with the suffering. When we do well, the angels are glad, but the devils are sad. When we sin, the devils rejoice, but the angels are cheated of their joy." We ought, therefore, to honor these blessed spirits with very great reverence and affection, and to pray to them, especially our guardian angels, to whom God has given charge over us, to keep us in all our ways , and we may be sure that this devotion will be most pleasing to them, and most useful to ourselves.
Angel Psalter
(Extracted from various Psalms)
O ye angels of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise Him and exalt him above all forever.
Praise the Lord from the heavens: praise ye Him in the high places.
Praise Him, all ye His angels; praise ye Him, all His hosts.
Bless the Lord, all ye His angels, you that are mighty in strength, and execute His word, hearkening to the voice of His orders.
Bless the Lord, all ye His hosts; ye ministers of His that do His will.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and never forget all He hath done for thee.
Who redeemeth thy life from destruction, who crowneth thee with mercy and compassion.
For He hath given His angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways.
In their hands they shall bear thee up, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
Thou shalt walk upon the asp and the basilisk, and thou shalt trample under foot the lion and the dragon.
The Angel of the Lord shall encamp round about them that fear Him, and shall deliver them.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost
As it was in the beginning , it is now and ever shall be , world without end. Amen
I will sing praise to thee, O my God, in the sight of the Angels.
I will worship towards thy holy temple, and I will give glory to Thy name.
O God, who, in most admirable order, dost assign the various offices, both of angels and of men: grant, we beseech Thee, that they who always minister before Thy face in Heaven, may also defend us in this our life on earth. Through Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord. Amen.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Today Double Feast of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, Virgin
White Vestments
Missa "Veni de LĂbano"
Today we are honoring Saint Therese of Lisieux, also known as "The Little Flower," and Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face and whom Holy Mother Church has called the "Prodigy of Miracles , the Greatest Saint of Modern Times."
Before the age of fifteen Saint Therese already desired to enter the Carmel of Lisieux, where her two eldest sisters were already nuns; a trip to Rome and a petition at the knees of the Holy Father Leo XIII gave her the inalterable answer that her Superiors would regulate the matter. Many prayers finally obtained an affirmative reply to her ardent request, and four months after her fifteenth birthday she entered Carmel with an ineffable joy. She could say then, “I no longer have any desire but to love Jesus even to folly.”
Saint Therese of Lisieux adopted flowers as the symbol of her love for her Divine Spouse and offered all her little daily sacrifices and works as rose petals at the feet of Jesus. Divine Providence gave to the world the autobiography of this true Saint, whose little way of spiritual childhood was described in her own words in her Story of a Soul.
Oremus/Let us pray :
O Lord, Who hast said, unless you become as little children you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven: grant, we beseech Thee, that we may so follow the holy virgin Teresa, in humility and simplicity of heart, that we may attain to an everlasting reward. Who livest and reigns with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, forever and ever.Amen
(Roman Breviary)
Feast of Saint Therese of Lisieux
May the heavenly mystery, O Lord, enkindle in us that fire of love, whereby the blessed Saint Therese of Lisieux, Thy virgin, offered herself to Thee as a victim of charity for men. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, World without end. Amen.
Graciously hear us, O God of our salvation, and grant that we who keep with joy the festival of Blessed Teresa of the Child Jesus, may by our sentiments of loving devotion advance in our piety and love to Thee. Amen.
Prayer to Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
O marvelous Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, who, in thy brief mortal career, didst become a mirror of angelic purity, of daring love and of whole-hearted surrender to Almighty God, now that thou art enjoying the recompense of thy virtues, turn thine eyes of mercy upon us who trust in thee.
Obtain for us the grace to keep our hearts and minds pure and clean like unto thine, and to abhor in all sincerity whatever might tarnish ever so slightly the luster of a virtue so sublime, a virtue that endears us to thy heavenly bridegroom.
Ah, dear Saint, grant us to feel in every need the power of thy intercession; give us comfort in all the bitterness of this life and especially at its latter end, that we may be worthy to share eternal happiness with thee in paradise. Amen.
Pray for us, O blessed Saint Therese of Lisieux,
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray:
O Lord, who hast said: "Unless you become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of Heaven"; grant us, we beseech Thee, so to walk in the footsteps of Thy blessed virgin Therese with a humble and single heart, that we may attain to everlasting rewards: who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.
(Indulgence 300 days once a day)
Friday, October 2, 2015
Put Your Guardian Angel to Work at All Times
( written by Thomas A. Droleskey )
Each of us is given a Guardian Angel to guide us home safely to Heaven. Do we make use of him, putting him to work at all times?
Today, October 2, the Feast of the Guardian Angels, is a very good time to consider how much we need to rely upon our Guardian Angel to help us to get home to Heaven.
Although our Guardian Angels have a purer intelligence than we possess, they cannot read our minds. We need to give our Guardian Angels permission to read our minds and to know our thoughts so that they can better assist us during the course of a day. "Dear Guardian Angel, I give you permission this day and every day to read my mind and to know my thoughts. Help me to say my prayers well."
A simple prayer such as this at the beginning of each day is, in addition to the Guardian Angel Prayer ("Angel of God my guardian dear, to whom God's love commits me here, ever this day be at my sight, to light and to guard, to rule and to guide") a way to begin a running conversation with our Guardian Angel during the course of a day. "Dear Guardian Angel, help me at this moment." "Dear Guardian Angel, be the instrument by which God the Holy Ghost can better enlighten my mind and to strengthen my will as I strive to love God more and to despise all things that displease Him, starting with my own sins." Little prayers such as these will keep us close to the angelic being who beholds the very face of the glory of God: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost as he assists us here as members of the Church Militant on the face of the earth.
Our Guardian Angels want us to use them at every moment of our lives.
Do we ever think of asking our Guardian Angel to greet the Guardian Angels of everyone we encounter, including those we see ever so fleetingly, such as our fellow drivers on the highways, so that we might see the image of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in all others and thus stand ready to be Christ-like for all others?
Do we ever think of asking our Guardian Angel to help us to remember the fact of our Total Consecration to Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through Our Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, thus inclining us to promptly offer up to God through that same Immaculate Heart all of the events of our day, including whatever merits we might earn as a result of the completion of indulgenced prayers and acts?
Do we every think of asking our Guardian Angel to help us to remember the Poor Souls in Purgatory, especially those for whom we are bound to pray for as a result of filial piety, by name and to remember those who have no one to pray for them? Our Guardian Angels can help us in these important aspects of our interior lives.
Do we realize how useful that they want to make ourselves in order to help us grow closer to God as He has revealed Himself exclusively through the Catholic Church?
Our Guardian Angels can help to remind us to get up in the morning. They, along with the Poor Souls, are better than alarm clocks. They can help us to cooperate with the Actual Graces sent to us by the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, God the Holy Ghost, through the loving hands of Our Lady, the Mediatrix of all Graces, so that we can get ourselves to the daily offering of the Immemorial Mass of Tradition and to say our Rosaries without delay as soon as time permits at the beginning and the close of each day. They can visit the Blessed Sacrament for us if we are unable to make a visit ourselves, outside of the Holy Mass, that is, during the course of a particular day. Capable of bilocation, our Guardian Angels can be sent to assist others in need. They can even be sent to deliver messages to others, being more efficient in doing so than the use of a telephone or e-mail. And, most importantly, they are an instruments of God the Holy Ghost to prompt us to get ourselves to the Confessional on a regular basis, if not weekly, even more urgently if, God forbid, we should fall into the ravages of Mortal Sin.
It is not uncommon for people to meet their Guardian Angels during the course of their lifetimes. Some saints have been given the privilege of seeing their Guardian Angels in all of their Heavenly splendor. Other people have encountered their Guardian Angels in human forms, that is, when their angels had manifested themselves in an apparent human form to assist them in a concrete way. Most of us, however, will not see our Guardian Angels in our own lifetimes. We must, though, be conscious of their presence in our own lives, eager to employ their assistance to help us to scale the heights of sanctity as we attempt to cooperate with the graces won for us by the shedding of every single drop of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross to walk the rocky road that leads to the narrow Gate of Life Himself.
Our Guardian Angels want us to shower Our Lady with acts of love and devotion. They want us to say our Rosaries promptly and with fervor. They want us to make pilgrimages in honor of Our Lady. they want to see us clothed in the Brown Scapular and adorned with the Miraculous Medal, making sure to pray to Our Lady for all the graces we forget to pray for during the course of each day! They want us to salute Our Lady with pious invocations (Ave Maria, Salve Regina, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, we love you, save souls, All to you, Blessed Mother, all to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation, O Blessed Mother, help me, a sinner, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, pray for us now and the hour of our death, Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death) throughout the day. They do. They want us to join them in these pious invocations of filial love and trusting supplication.
Oh, yes, our Guardian Angels stand ready to help to prompt us to say our prayers. They stand ready to help us to avoid sin and to cooperate with the graces won for u by the shedding of every single drop of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's Most Precious Blood and that flow into our hearts and souls through the loving hands of Our Lady, the Mediatrix of All Graces to grow in sanctity. They stand ready to help us to view our own lives and the events of the Church and the world through the eyes of the true Faith. They stand ready to move us to go to Mass every day and to spend time with Our Beloved in His Real Presence, as noted earlier. They stand ready to help us to do our Purgatory on earth by living penitentially and seeking to pray constantly in reparation for our sins and those of the whole world. They stand ready to help us to be saints. Will we let them? Will we let our Guardian Angels know that we want to rely upon their assistance and that we want to eternal praise to the God Who created both them and us out of a free will act of love? Will we let our Guardian Angels help us to die to self as we carry the crosses that God ordains for us to carry so that we might know an unending Easter Sunday of glory in Paradise?
We are never alone. We have a Heavenly friend who is always with us and who wants us to rely upon his help. What in this world--or the next world--are we waiting for? Let us renew with fervor and attentiveness our devotion to and reliance upon our Guardian Angels, giving thanks to God for His goodness in sending us these angelic beings to help us to return to Him through His Catholic Church.
Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God's love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and to guard, to rule and to guide. Amen.
Today Double Major Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels
White Vestments
Missa "Benedicite Dominum"
In the Sixteenth Century and Pope Paul V (September 27, 1608) declared the Feast of the Guardian Angels, a Feast of the whole Church, and ordered that it should be kept on the first vacant date after the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel. Pope Clement X (1670) assigned it to October 2nd.
Pope Leo XIII raised it to the rank of a greater double. The guardianship of the faithful is given by God into the hands of the angels, not only for the sake of the unity and harmony which bind together the orders of creation, but also on account of the duty owed by the angels to Christ. It is from Christ that they receive their glory, therefore out of gratitude to Him who is Caput hominum et angelorum (the head of men and angels) these blessed spirits watch over the Church, the chosen Bride of the Savior, and over the faithful who are the members of His Mystical Body.
It is of faith, on the testimony of the Scriptures and of unanimous tradition, that God commits to His Angels the guardianship of men, who are called to contemplate him together with these blessed spirits in their common fatherland. Catholic theology teaches that this protection is extended to every member of the human race, without any distinction of just and sinners, infidels and baptized. To ward off dangers; to uphold man in his struggle against the demons; to awaken in him holy thoughts; to prevent him from sinning, and even, at times, to chastise him; to pray for him, and present his prayers to God: such is the office of the Guardian Angel. So special is his mission, that one Angel does not undertake the guardianship of several persons simultaneously; so diligent is his care, that he follows his ward from the first day to the last of his mortal existence, receiving the soul as it quits this life, and hearing it from the feet of the sovereign Judge to the place it has merited in heaven, or to its temporary sojourn in the place of expiation and purification.
Oremus / Let us pray
O most faithful companion, appointed by God to be my guardian, my protector and defender, and who never leavest my side; how shall I thank thee for thy faithfulness and love, and for the benefits which thou hast conferred upon me?
Thou watchest over me while I sleep; thou comfortest me when I am sad; thou liftest me up when I am down; thou avertest the dangers that threaten me; thou warnest me of those that are to come; thou withdrawest me from sin, and excitest me to good; thou exhortest me to penance when I fall, and reconcilest me to God.
Long ago should I have been thrust down into hell, unless by thy prayers thou hadst turned away from me the anger of God.
Leave me not, nor forsake me ever, I beseech thee; but still comfort me in adversity, restrain me in prosperity, defend me in danger, assist me in temptations, lest at any time I fall beneath them.
Offer up in the sight of the Divine Majesty my prayers and petitions, and all my works of piety, and help me to persevere in grace, until I come to everlasting life. Amen.
Act of Contrition
Time and time again I return to all my journals with the help of a humble act of contrition. God forgive me !
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